Concentric Rings Shawlette Capelet Knitting Pattern with Contrast Colors and Adjustable Length

Concentric Rings

A split-circle shawlette/capelet with concentric rings in contrast colors. Can easily be made longer if desired (see notes at end). Finished length of prototype is 15". Notions: Needle size 6, long circular; stitch markers, row counter. Yarn: Color A (dark): 300 yards Color B (light): 400 yards Choose a yarn that gives you good drape on your needles. The prototype was knit with (A) Arctic Qiviut's 100% qiviut (sportweight) and (B) Jade Sapphire's 2-Ply Silk/Cashmere stranded with Arctic Qiviut's Arctic Beauty, both of which are laceweight. The shawl was designed to use just one ball of each yarn. A sportweight yarn can be substituted for the two stranded laceweights.

Pattern illustration

Row 1: k2 edge stitches, place marker, k 108 stitches, place marker, k2 edge stitches. On all subsequent rows the two edge stitches on each side are always knit. Rows 2-4: knit all stitches. Separator Stripe (without increases) Row 5: with B, knit all stitches. Row 6: with B, k2 edge stitches, slip marker, purl to marker, slip marker, k2 edge stitches. Row 7: with B, k2 edge stitches, sm, \*k2, yo, repeat to marker, sm, k2 edge stitches. Row8:asrow6. Main Stripe Rows 9-22: with A, work center stitches in stockinette, maintaining edge stitches in garter. Separator Stripe (with increases) Row 23:as row 5. Row24:asrow6. Row 25: with B, k2 edge stitches, sm, \*k1, yo, repeat to marker, sm, k2 edge stitches. There are now 216 stitches in the main section. Row26:asrow6. Repeat Main Stripe for rows 27-40. Repeat Separator Stripe (without increases) for rows 41-44. Repeat Main Stripe for rows 45-58. Repeat Separator Stripe (without increases) for rows 59-62.

Pattern illustration

stitches. Repeat Main Stripe for rows 63-76. Cut yarn. Repeat Separator Stripe (with increases) for rows 77-80. There are now 432 stitches in the main section. Shaping now changes to wedges; this section is all knit with Yarn B. Four more stitch markers will be needed. Row 81 (setup row): k2 edge stitches, sm, k54, pm, k108, pm, k108, pm, k108, pm, k54, sm, k2 edge stitches. Row 82 and all subsequent WS rows: k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to marker, sm, k2 edge stitches. Paired increases are made via yarnovers flanking each marker in the main section, but only a single increase is done at the edge, inside the edge markers. Row 83: k2 edge stitches, sm, yo, k to 1 stitch before next marker, yo, k1, sm (first wedge increases complete), \*k1, yo, k to 1 stitch before next marker, yo, k1, sm (second wedge increases complete). Repeat this sequence from \* for the third and fourth wedges. For the final wedge, after you have slipped the marker, k1, yo, knit to edge marker, yo, sm, k2 edge Row 85: knit across. Repeat the increase row (as row 83) on every 4th row afterwards, as follows: Row 87,91, 95,99, 103. Row 105: with A, knit across all stitches. Row 106: with A, knit across all stitches. Row 107: with B, repeat the increase row (as row 83) Row 108: with B, as row 82. Repeat these four rows twice more. Row 117: with A, as row 105. F all stitches loosely purlwise on the Ws. Weave in ends and block. Wear and enjoy. Notes: I designed this to maximize the use of the yarns involved without having to buy more. When it was finished I had four yards of A and about ten yards each of the two yarns used for B, remaining. If you are the kind of knitter who worries about running out of yarn, I highly recommend buying some extra. Alternately, you can end the big B section (rows 81-104) sooner. If you desire a longer shawl, simply continue with the big B section until the desired length is reached (maintaining the increases every 4th row), and then end with rows 105-117.

Stitch PatternSts in Main Total
SectionSts% DoneNotes (plus 4 edge
1k2 edge stitches, place marker, k108, place marker, k2 edge stitches1082161%with color A
2knit all stitches1083241%
3knit all stitches1084321%
4knit all stitches1085402%
5knit all stitches1086482%with color B
6k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches k2 edge stitches, sm, *k2, yo, repeat from * to marker, sm, k21087562%with color B
7edge stitches1088643%with color B
8k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches1089723%with color B
9knit all stitches10810803%with color A
10k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches10811884%
11knit all stitches10812964%
12k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches10814044%
13knit all stitches10815125%
14k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches10816205%
16k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches10818366%
17knit all stitches10819446%
18k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches10820526%
19knit all stitches10821607%
20k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches10822687%
21knit all stitches10823767%
22k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches10824848%
23knit all stitches10825928%with color B
24k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches10827008%with color B
25k2 edge stitches, sm, *k1, yo, repeat from * to marker, sm, k2 edge stitches21629169%with color B
26k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches21631329%with color B
27knit all stitches216334810%
28k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches216356411%
29knit all stitches216378011%
30k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches216399612%
31knit all stitches216421213%
32k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches216442813%
34k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches216486015%
35knit allstitches216507615%
36k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches216529216%

37 knit all stitches216550817%
38k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches216572417%
39knit all stitches216594018%
40k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches216615619%
41knit all stitches216637219%with color B with color B
42k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches k2 edge stitches, sm, *k2, yo, repeat from * to marker, sm, k2216658820%
43edge stitches2166804 702021%with color B with color B
44 45k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches knit all stitches216723621% 22%
46k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches216
47knit all stitches216766823%
48k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches216788424%
49knit all stitches216810024%
50k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches216831625%
51knit all stitches216853226%
52k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches216874826%
53knit all stitches216896427%
54k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches216918028%
55knit all stitches216939628%
56k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches216961229%
57knit all stitches216982830%
58k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches2161004430%
59 60knit all stitches k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches21610260 1047631% 32%with color B with color B
k2 edge stitches, sm, *k2, yo, repeat from * to marker, sm, k2216
61edge stitches k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches21610692 1090832% 33%with color B with color B
62 63knitallstitches216 2161112434%
64k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches2161134034%
65knit all stitches1155635%
66k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches2161177236%
67knit all stitches2161198836%
68k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches2161220437%
69knit all stitches216 2161242038%
70k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches2161263638%
71knit all stitches2161285239%
72k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches2161306839%
73knit all stitches2161328440%
74k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches2161350041%
75knit all stitches2161371641%
76k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches2161393242%Cut yarn A.
77knitall stitches2161414843%with color B
78k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches2161436443%with color B
k2 edge stitches, sm, *k1, yo, repeat from * to marker, sm, k2
79edge stitches4321479645%with color B

80 k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches k2 edge stitches, sm, k54, pm, k108, pm, k108, pm, k108, pm, k54, 81 sm, k2 edge stitches 82 k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches k2 edge stitches, sm, yo, kto 1 stitch before next marker, yo, k1, Sm, \*k1, yo, kto 1 stitch before next marker, yo, k1, sm. Repeat from \* for the third and fourth wedges. For the final wedge, after you have led themarker, k, yo, knit to de marer, s, 83 k2 edge stitches. 84 k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches 85 knit all stitches 86 k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches 87 Repeat Increase Row 88 k2 edge stithes, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches 89 knit all stitches 90 k2 edge stitches, m, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches 91 Repeat Increase Row 92 k2 edge stithes, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches 93 knit ll stitches 94 k2 edge stitches, m, pul to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches 95 Repeat Increase Row 96 k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches 97 knit all stitches 98 k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches 99 Repeat Increase Row 100 k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches 101 knit all stitches 102 k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches 103 Repeat Increase Row 104 k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches 105 knit all stitches 106 k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches 107 Repeat Increase Row 108 knit all stitches 109 knit all stitches 110 k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches 111 Repeat Increase Row 112 k2ede stitches, m, pulto next marker, m, ege stith 113 knit all stitches 114 k2 edge stitches, sm, purl to next marker, sm, k2 edge stitches 115 Repeat Increase Row 116 k2 edge stitches, sm, purlto next marker, sm, k2 edge stitchs 117 knit all stitches Dindff

4321522846%with color B
50%"Increase Row""
440 4401653251%
4802665281%with color A
4962958089%with color B
4963057292%with color A
5043157295%with color B
504 50432580 3308498% 100%with colorA withcolorA

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