Fairytale Dress Knitting Pattern for Children (Sizes 2T-5 Years) by Justine Turner

Fairytale Dress

Justine Turner all rights reserved 01/06/2007 Size 2T as a mid-calf dress, up to 5 years as a top. Yarn: $150\mathrm{g}$ Dalegarn stork cotton (or similar) $\left(50\;\mathrm{grm}=180\;\mathrm{m}\right)$ Gauge: 28 sts $\mathrm{~x~}30\;\mathrm{rows}\!=\!10\;\mathrm{cm}$ Tools: $3.25\;\mathrm{mm}$ needles $1\,\mathbf{x}$ circ, $1\,\mathbf{x}$ straights $3\mathrm{mm}$ dpns for i-cord. Skirt: Cast on 208 sts using circular needle. Work 88 rounds stst (note garment in photos has moss st patterning - this is not necessary) Next row k2tog to end 104 sts rem Set patt: ${\bf k}2\,{\bf p}2\,14$ sts (2x2 rib) knit the next 38 sts $\mathrm{k}2\mathsf{p}2\mathsf{\Omega}14$ sts knit to end Staying in patt work 60 rows Next row place the 14 rib sts on a holder, knit across to other ribs sts, place on a holder Place back sts on a holder. Cont on front sts. Armhole shaping Dec 1 st beg next 6 rows Knit 8 rows Knit 2 garter rows Yfwd k2tog to end Knit 2 garter rows Cast off Work back Dec 1 st beg next 6 rows Knit 6rows Knit 2 garter rows Yfwd k2tog to end Knit 2 garter rows Cast off Work 60 rows 3 st i-cord on $3\mathrm{mm}$ dpns. Next row - attach i-cord in the following manner: WS facing $\ast\mathbf{k}2$ , slip next st onto R needle, pick up and knit 1 st from armhole edge, psso, slip sts to other needle and

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

continue to work to end, then knit another 60 rows of plain 1-cord. Work the other side to match Decorate with leaves and roses, or ribbons as desired. Note: experiment with thicker or thinner yarns and needles to make different sized roses and leaves. Rose: using coloured cotton and larger needles cast on 12 sts Next row: k 1, yfwd, continue to end Next row: k to end Repeat the last 2 rows $3\mathrm{~\bf~x~}$ Cast off loosely, leave a long tail for sewing up. To make up: using cat on edge as bottom edge, roll knitting to approximate a rose, sew some tacking sts through the base of the rose. Leaf: Cast on 3 sts Next row: kl, yfwd, k1, yfwd, k1 Next row: purl Next row: k2, yfwd, k1, yfwd, k2 Next row: purl Next row: k3, yfwd, k1, yfwd, k3 Next row purl Next row:k4, yfwd, k1, yfwd, k4 Next row: purl Next row: k4, k3tog through back loops, k4 Next row: purl Next row: k3, k3tog through back loops, k3 Next row: purl Next row: k2, k3tog through back loops, k2 Next row: purl Next row: k1, k3tog through back loops, k1 Next row: p3 tog, pull yarn through, leave a long tail, use to sew onto garment.

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