Kusti Cabled Baby Sweater Pattern by Tina Vaatainen - Knitting Design for 0-3 Months (62 cm)

Kusti Cabled Baby Sweater

Designed by Tina Vaatainen. Originally published in Ulla 1/04 http://www.ullaneule.net/0104/ohjeet_kusti.html

Pattern illustration

This sweter suits to a baby aged 0-3 months, sized 62 cm. Cable motif is from Elsebeth Lavold's book Viking Patterns for Knitting. Size 0-3 months or 62 cm Materials Novita Alpaca (disc.) ( $100\%$ alpaca, $50\;\mathfrak{g}=103\;\mathfrak{m}$ ), 200 g. 3 buttons. Needles 3-3,5 mm Gauge 25 -26 sts and 33-34 rows to 4 in / 10 cm over st st Moss stitch R1: \*k1, p1 \* rep R2: knit knitted sts and purl purled sts R3: \*p1, k1\*repR4: same as R2


Co 76 sts and k2 p2 3 cm. Work 15 sts in moss stitch, then chart A $^{\prime}{=}8$ sts), slip 1 st, p28, slip 1 st, work chart A ( $\dot{=}$ 8sts), work 15 sts in moss stitch. . When piece measures 26 cm, BO other sts, but continue to work with 21 stitches in left shoulder. With these sts, work k2p2 rib 5 rows, BO.

Pattern illustration

Front Work as for back until piece measures 10 cm. Work center 24 sts chart B. Then continue as forback. When piece measures 23 cm, begin shaping neck. B0 center 10 sts and dec 3 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows, and 2 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows and then 1 st at the beginning of the next 4 rows. . When piece measures 26 sts, BO right shoulder sts. Continue working 2 rows $\mathsf{K}2\mathsf{p}2$ With left shoulder sts. On row 3, make buttonholes:[ k5, skp (slip, knit, pass slipped st over)] 3 times, k5. On next row, CO new sts above bound off sts fo buttonhole ( $\scriptstyle=26$ Sts totally).Work 2 rows k2p2, BO sts.


CO 38 sts and work k2p2 for 3 cm. Work 14 sts in moss stitch, slip 1, chart A, slip 1, 14 sts in moss stitch. Inc. 1 st at each side every 3 rows 10 times $(=58$ sts). When piece measures 14 cm, BO sts.


Block pieces, Join right shoulder seam. Neck: Pick up sts around neck edge and left shoulder seam. and work k2p2 rib for 2,5 cm. Make one buttonhole in neckband. Sew in sleeves. Sew side and sleeve seams. Sew buttons.


Chart A

Pattern illustration

O =purl on RS, k on WS Cable: Slip $^{2\,\mathsf{k}}$ sts on cable needle, hold back, k2, k2 from cable needle

Chart B

Pattern illustration

purl left lifted increase right lited increase 7 left lifted decrease, sk 1 right lited decrease, k2tog Slip 2 p sts to cable needle, hold to back, k2, p2 from cable needle Slip $^{2\,\mathsf{k}}$ sts to cable needle, hold to front, p2, k2 from cable needle Slip $^{2\,\mathsf{k}}$ sts to cable needle, hold to back, k2, k2 from cable needle Slip $^{2\,\mathsf{k}}$ sts to cable needle, hold to front, k2, k2 from cable needle

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