Sundown Lamp Crochet Pattern: Easy DIY Project for a Sunset-Inspired Home Decor with Kyla Shell Stitch

Sundown Lamp by Zlata Tomikj

Get your own sunset in your living room. Just for Romantic soles who wants a little sunshine in the dark !! Finlay done and it looks amazing !!! CRAFT Crochet SKILL LEVEL: Easy SIZE: One Size / Depends of needle you can make different sizes!! NEEDLE : crochet hook 4 mm (G)

Material :

Pattern illustration

1. You will need 1ball for small lamp( you can choose yarn for various shapes and sizes) 2. Lit bulb 3. Piece of wood 18cm/ 8cm (structure for the lithbulb0 4. 12 small pieces of wood and 4 big for the structure

Pattern illustration

MESURMENTS : wooden structure : 23cm long and 18cm wide STITCHES : Kyla Shell Stich ( 8 +2) from Robyn Chachula encycloped

Kyla Shell Stitch

Half double crochetclusters make the shells come alive in this pattern,perfectforafghans. Shell (sh):[(3 hdc-cl,ch2)twice,3 hdc-cl] in st indicated. Ch a multiple of8stsplus2. Row1(RS):Scin2ndch from hk,\*sk3ch,shinnextch,ch 1,sk3 ch,scin next ch;rep from\*across,turn. Row 2:Ch3(countsasdc).dcin 1stsc,ch2, innext hdc-cl,ch2,3 dc in next sc;rep from\*across to last sc,2dcinlastsc,turn. Row 3:Ch 2,[hdc,ch2.3 hdc-cl] in1st dc,ch1,scin next sC,sk 1 dc,shin next 1:rep from\*to lastsc,scinlast sc.[3 hdc-cl,ch2,2 hdc-cl]in top of t-ch,turn. Row 4:Ch 1,5cin hdc-cl,\*ch2.,3dc innext sc,ch2.skhdc cl,scin next hdc-cl:rep from\*across,turn. Row5:Ch 1,scin 1stsc,sk1 dc,shinnextdc,ch 1,scin next sc:rep from'across,turn. Rep rows2-5 to desired length.

Pattern illustration


Cast on 154 sts. Work in pattern until it's 23 cm long Attach the piece around the wooden frame and sl st on the wrong side Then on top of the frame : 1. row : sc around the pice 2. Row : make picot -sc ,\* ch 2 , sc - repeat from \* Then with slip st secure the top on the wood leaving 1.5 cm Do the same for the bottom too


Insert the wooden piece in the center of the scare structure . Screw the lit bulb on the rectangle and glue it on the center of the 1st floor .

Pattern illustration

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