Wavelet Scarf Pattern: A Beginner-Friendly Lace Design Using Blue Earth Dyeworks Tussah Silk Yarn

Wavelet scarf pattern

I wanted a scarf that displays the tan-and-blue color variations in Blue Earth Dyeworks's Zebra Blue Tussah Silk yarn. This is a light worsted pure silk yarn, pretty warm because of the protein content of the silk, yet can be airy if knit up in a lacy pattern and blocked. Wavelet is an easy lace pattern suitable for beginners. It makes a long and narrow scarf, light enough to wear even indoors as a decorative accessory, yet can be warm if wrapped around the wearer's neck a few times.

Finished size:

4 inches wide and 70 inches long (after blocking) Skills needed: Knit, purl, slip, yarn over, knit 2 together, slip-slipknit, join yarn, weave in ends, block.


US 9 (5.5 mm) straight needles, tapestry needles for weaving in ends.


Blue Earth Dyeworks Tussah Silk, Zebra Blue colorway, 2 skeins (50 g total)

Pattern illustration

Written Instructions:

Pattern illustration

CO 14. Work 3 rows of garter stitch. Begin lace pattern. The lace pattern is bordered by a 2-stitch garter stitch border. To give garter stitch a neat decorative edge, always slip the first stitch of the row as if to purl, and knit the last stitch through the front loop. It will give a pretty “braided" look to the edge. The garter stitch border is included in the written instructions, but NOT included in the lace chart. If you're knitting from the chart, always add “slip 1


purwise, knit 1" to the beginning, and “knit 2" to the end of all your rows. 1. RS: S1 1 purlwise, K 5, p, k3, p, k3 2. WS: Sl 1 purlwise, kl, p, k, p3, k, p4, k2 3. RS: Sl 1 purlwise, k3, k2tog, p, k3, p yo, k3 4. WS: Sl 1 purlwise, kl, p2, k, p3, k, p3, k2 5. RS: S1 1 purlwise, k2, k2tog, p, k3, p, yo, k4 6. WS: Sl 1 purlwise, k1, p3, k, p3, k, p2, k2 7. RS: Sl 1 purlwise, k1, k2tog, p, k3, p, yo, k5 8. WS: Sl 1 purlwise, kl, p4, k, p3, k, p, k2 9. RS: Sl 1 purlwise, k2, p, k3, p, k6 10. WS: Sl 1 purlwise, k1, p4, k, p3, k, p, k2 11. RS: Sl 1 purlwise, k2, y0, p, k3. P, ssk, k4 12. WS: Sl 1 purlwise, k1, p3, k, p3, k, p2, k2 13. RS: S1 1 purlwise, k3, yo, p, k3, p, ssk, k3 14. WS: S1 1 purlwise, kl, p2, k, p3, k, p3, k2 15. RS: Sl 1 purlwise, k4, y0, p, k3, p, ssk, k2 16. WS: Sl 1 purlwise, k1, p, k, p3, k, p4, k2

Pattern illustration

Repeat until desired length is reached, or you are almost out of yarn. The sample includes 14 pattern repeats. When you have about 3 yards of yarn left, finish with 3 rows of garter stitch. Weave in ends, wash and block. Tussah silk has a high sheen to it and strong hold when it's new. With repeated washing and wearing it will slowly become softer and develop a fuzzy halo, a.k.a it "blooms"’' a bit. It will not diminish its shine.


This chart show every row. RS rows (odd numbers) read right-to-left, and WS rows (even numbers) read left-to-right. Knit and purl stitches are not reversed on WS, so the chart always give you stitch you actually want.


Pattern illustration

Free for personal use. Do not sell, do no distribute without permission. All rights reserved, Blue Earth Dyeworks, 2012.


Pattern illustration

Free for personal use. Do not sell, do no distribute without permission. All rights reserved, Blue Earth Dyeworks, 2012. www.BlueEarthDyeworks.com

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