Cadbury Ruffle Shawl Knitting Pattern by Jennifer Duce - A Reversible Shawl with Velvety Texture Inspired by Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate

Cadbury Ruffle Shawl

By Jennifer Duce

The name of this shawl was inspired by the wrapper from Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate. The sumptuous velvety chocolate wrapped in deep purple foil which can only be matched by the rich lustre of Colinette Tao. This is a simple shawl to knit and can be is reversible (can be worn with either the stocking stitch or reverse stocking stitch side showing).

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Yarn Requirements: 1 x Colinette Parisienne (or lace equivalent) - yarn A 1 x Colinette Tao (or other DK equivalent) - yarn B Notions: 4.5 mm circular needle 2 Stitch markers Key: C off cast off K1f&b knit into the front and back of the next stitch PM place marker M1R make stitches by lifting the horizontal yarn between 2 stitches, twist stitch to the right and knit or purl through the front of the loop. M1L lift the horizontal yarn between 2 stitches, twist stitch to the left and knit or purl through the back of the loop. Alternatively stitches can be added using YO's nit into the front of stitch, without dropping final loop, knit into the back of the stitch tod YO Yarn over Pattern notes: Increases can happen in a variety of ways. A simple YO will result in a line of lacey holes along the centre and upper edge of the shawl. To proceed using this method of increasing replace M1L or M1R with YOs instead. If you favour hole-less increases, this can be done either by lifting, twisting and knitting through the front or back of the stitch or alternatively knitting into the front and back of a stitch. The choice is yours. Instructions are given using M1L or M1R. @ Jennifer Duce 2011


1) Using Yarn A cast on 2 stitches 2)K6 rows 3) Pick up three stitches along the side of your knitting and 2 stitches from the cast on edge (7 stitches) 4) Switch to Yarn B (do not cut Yarn A, carry up the outside edge). Knit 2 M1R stitch. Knit to centre stitch and M1R as beginning of row, PM knit one PM M1L knit to last 2 stitches M1L in the same way as after the centre stitch. K2 (11 stitches) NB: try to knit the first two stitches of the beginning of rows loosely particularly when changing yarns. 5) K2 M1R (purling through the front of the stitch) purl to last 2 stitches, M1L (purling through the back of the stitch) stitch. K2 (13 stitches) 6) Change to Yarn A. Repeat steps 4 and 5 increasing as instructed (an increase of 6 stitches over 2 rows) 7) Repeat steps 4-6 alternating yarns every two rows until yarn B runs out (l managed to get 22 repeats of pattern from one skein). Knit two more rows keeping pattern as established in Yarn A. 8) Ruffle row. K1f&b into every stitch (including centre stitch). 9)Purl 10) Knit to marker K1f&b to next marker (In other words K1f&b in each stitch between markers, this means that the ruffle won't be too tight around the ruffled edge). 11) Repeat steps 9 and 10 for approx 10 rows or until ruffle is desired length. 12) C Off loosely (with Colinette Parisienne, it's worth making the effort to be extra loose) - K2 together, pass stitch back to left hand needle, K2 together. Continue until all stitches are cast off. 13) Block to shape shawl. Stretch the spine of the shawl for length. Shape the cast on edge allowing the increases to dictate final shape. Straighten lower edge, place blocking pins along the last stripe of Yarn B prior to beginning ruffle.

Pattern illustration

Stitch count per repeat: A stitch count isn't essential, but for those who like to know, this is how it should work out.

Yarn719314355677991103115127139151163175 187199211223245257269
A Yarn1325374961738597109121133145157169181193205217239251263275

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