Easy-Fit Worsted Weight Knitting Pattern: Jeff's Mitts by Lorraine Ekreinger Designs

Jeff's Mitts Lorraine Ekreinger Designs

These mittsfit either hand and are easy to knit up in worsted weight yarn.

Pattern illustration

Size: Men's medium, large Materials: Worsted weight yarn 3 oz. - I used Oasis Yarns Aussi Wool; color OliveBlack Strand of waste yarn to hold thumb stitches Needles: US #5/3.75mm dp needles Gauge: 6 sts & 8 rnds $=$ 1” Cuff Cast on and divide on 3 or 4 needles 44 (48) sts. Join without twisting. Work k2, p2 ribbing for 3 $(3\,^{1}\!/\!_{2})$ inches. Hand K even for 4 rnds. First Inc. round for thumb: Inc. 1 st in first stitch, k1, inc. 1 st in next stitch (5 thumb sts), k to end of round. K 2 rounds even. $\underline{{\boldsymbol{2}^{\ n d}}}$ inc. round: Inc.1 st in first stitch, k3. inc. 1 st in next stitch, K to end. Continue to inc. 1 st in first and last thumb st at every $3^{\mathsf{r d}}$ round 5 times. 56 (62) sts. K 2 rnds even. Slip to a strand of yarn the 17 thumb sts. At the end of the last round cast on 3 sts. There will be 44 (48) sts. Work even until measurement above cuff is $4\,\%$ (5) inches. Work 4 rnd of k2, p2 ribbing, Bind off in pattern. Thumb Slip to 2 needles the 17 thumb sts, with a $3^{\mathrm{rd}}$ needle pick up and k the 3 cast on sts. Divide the 20 sts so they are easier to work. K one rnd. Work 4 rows of k2, p2 ribbing. Bind off in pattern.

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