Duchess of Cambridge Shawl Version B Knitting Pattern by Sandra Alice Designs - Detailed Instructions and Charts

Duchess of Cambridge ShawtVersion B

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

2 Sandra Alice Designs


1100yds 4ply yarn for a shawl working 5 repeats size 4.00mm circular needle Finished size and yarn yardage : 80" x 28" 1100yds Fortop andlower ruffle: increase one stitch at the beginning of every row. This will make a mitered join which you wil slip stitch together after bindinf Of These increases will give a gentle ruffle like Kate's original shawl,if you want a fuller ruffle work an extra increase every third stitch Ruffle options: any of these ruffle options can be worked for all versions Cartridge Belt Rib: Note: keeping the stitch pattern correct work kfb in first stitch of every row. Row 1: (Rs) k3, [wyif sl1 purlwise k3] to center. (On the first row you may have to adjust the number of stitches so you end with k3) Slip center st wyif purlwise, [k3, wyif sl1 purlwise] to last 3sts knit 3. Row 2: k1, [wyif sl1 purlwise, k3] last 2sts, wyif sl1 purlwise, k1.

Slipped stitch Rib:

Row 1: Ws facing: [k1,p1] in first stitch, purl to last stitch [p1,k1] in last stitch. Row 2: Knit one, [sl1 wyif, purlwise. K1] to center stitch. Slip center stitch, wyif, [k1, sl1 wyif] to last stitch k1. (lf necessary adjust the number of stitches at the center and end of the row so you end with a k1)

3 Sandra Alice Designs

Written instructions for version B

Cast on for garter tab Cast on 2 sts. (you can do a provisional cast on ifRow 1: k2, m1kw, k1, p1, k3, p3, k3, pl, m1kw,Rov
you prefer) Knit 15 rows , dn d s m garter stitch edgek1, m1kw, p1, k3, p3, k3, p1, k1, m1kw, k2. Row 2: and all wrong side rows. - k2, mlpw, purlkl, k5]t Rov
Turn work 90 degrees and pick up 2 sts from cast on edge. (11sts) Set up row (WS):- k2, p3, PM, p1, PM, p3, k2. Proceed to set up chart, work through once. Every wrong side row k2, m1kw, purl to last 2sts mlkw, k2. Set up: written instructionsto last 2sts, m1pw, k2. Row 3: k2, m1kw, k2, p1, k3, p5, k3, p1, m1kw,mlp k2.
k1, m1kw, p1, k3, p5, k3, pl, k2, m1kw, k2. Row 5: k2, m1pw, p2, k5, p3, k1, p3,k4, m1kw,Rov
k1, m1kw, k4, p3, k1, p3, k5, p2,mlpw, k2. Row 7: k2, m1kw, k2, [p3, k3]three times, p1,kl, time
mlpw, p1, mlpw, p1, [k3, p3]three times, k2, mlkw, k2, Row 9: k2, m1kw, k5, p3, k1, p3, k5, p3, k1, p3, m1kw, k1, m1kw, p3, k1, p3, k5, p3, k1, p3, k5,Rov p5, time
Row 1: k2, m1kw, k3, m1kw, k1, m1kw, k3, m1kw, k2. 15 sts Row 3: k2, m1kw, p2, k1, p3, m1kw, k1, m1kw, p3, k1, p2, m1kw, k2. 21sts Row 5: k2, m1kw, k2, p5, k2, mlpw, k1, mlpw, k2, p5, k2, m1kw, k2.27sts Don't forget to work row 6 (wrong side row)mlpw, k2. Row 11: k2,mlpw, p1, k3, p1, k3,p5, k3,p1, k3, p5, k2, m1kw, k1,m1kw, k2,p5,k3, p1,k3,p5,Wo &2 I wc
k3, pl, k3, p1, mlpw, K2. Row 13: k2, mlpw, p2, [k3, p1, kl, p1, k3, p3]twice k3,p1, m1kw, k1, m1kw, p1, [k3, p3, k3, p1, kl, p1]twice, k3, p2, mlpw, k2.No
Row 15: k2, m1kw, [ p5, k3, p1, k3]twice p5, k3, pl, mlkw, k1, m1kw, [p1, k3, p5,k3]twice, p1, k3, p5, m1kw, k2.

Sandra Alice Designs

Version B

Both wrong side and right side rows are charted. Wrong side rows are even numbered right side rows are odd numbered Cast on for garter tab Cast on 2 sts. (you can do a provisional cast on if you prefer) Knit 15 rows. Turn work 90 degrees and pick up 7 \`bumps' along garter stitch edge Turn work 90 degrees and pick up 2 sts from cast on edge. (11sts) Set up row (WS):- k2, p3, PM, p1, PM, p3, k2. Proceed to set up chart, work through once.

Pattern illustration

knit purl M1 purlwise: with left needle pick up bar between the two stitches from the back and purlinto front twisting the stitch QM1 knitwise: with right needle pick up bar between the two stitches from the back and knit into back twisting the stitch knit center stitch purl center stitch

5 Sandra Alice Designs

Important note : To keep the chart from looking cluttered I have not used a symbol for the knit stitches. all blank squares on the right side rows (odd numbered rows) are knit. The blank squares on the wrong side rows are purled. Chart for version B Work 5 repeats of rows 1 - 24 then work rows 1 & 2 again. Work ruffle, see instructions on page 3

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

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