Geometry Lace Shawl Knitting Pattern: A Detailed Guide for Yarn Lovers


a lace shawl

Pattern illustration

yarn: one hank of tosh lace (2 ply, 100% Merino,950 yards), but really any soft, smoothyarn will do,up to sport weight orevenDK. notions:long circularneedlesize4(or any size suitableforyouryarn of choice),4 stitchmarkers,darningneedletosewinends. comments:i designed thispattern touseeverybitof thiswonderfulhandpainted ispossibletoknit ituntilyourun outofyarn(just leave enoughfor the bindoffandblock theyarn overs inthelastrow topoints.theoriginalversion has an eyeletborder for a smoother finish. the pattern is very simple and easy to is constructed in the classic way of triangular shawls,starting at the center topandincreasingsteadilyeveryotherrow.Youcanreallymakethis anysize youfancy.i didnotmeasurethe original beforegivingit away asa present,but it is aboutfingertiptofingertipandiused about 80%of theyarn. techniques:knit (k),purl (p),yarn over(Yo),knit two together(k2tog),slip one,knit next,slipfirst stitchoverknittedone(ssk),slip two,knitone,slpprevious twoover knittedstich(ss2k). thepattern is written out as well as charted(see lastpage).however, sinceit is not a repeating pattern in the traditional sense,you should read through the written instructions evenifyouworkfromthechartafterwards,tounderstandhow the'sverylogical andeasy toknit,but complicated towrite down.


caston3sts knit 6 rows in garter stitch.turn work 90 degrees, pick up 3 sts on edge, turn work 90 degrees, pick up 3 sts from cast on edge. you now have 9 sts on your needle. 1:k3(border sts),put marker,YO,k1,O,put marker,k1 (center st),put marker,O,k1, YO, put marker, k3 (border sts). 2 and alleven rows:k3, purl all sts to last marker,k3. 3: k3,YO,k3,YO,k1,Y0,k3,YO,k3 5: k3,YO,k5,YO,k1,YO,k5,YO,k3 7: k3, YO, k7, YO,k1, YO, k7, YO, k3 9: k3,YO,k9,YO,k1,YO, k9,YO,k3 11:k3,YO,k11,Y0,k1,Y0,k11,Y0,k3 13:k3,YO,k13,YO,k1,YO,k13YO,k3 15:k3,YO,k15,YO,k1,YO,k15,YO,k3 17: k3,YO,k17, YO,k1,YO,k17,YO,k3 19:k3,YO,k19,YO,k1,YO,k19,YO,k3 21:k3, Y0, k21, Y0, k1, Y0,k21, Y0, k3 23:k3,YO,k10,YO,ss2k,Y0,k10,Y0,k1,YO,k10,YO,ss2k,Y0,k10,YO,k3 now the section that opened withYO, ss2k,Y0 is treated like the rows 3-23,framed by blocksofk10. 25:k3,YO,k9,k2tog,Y0,k3,Y0,ssk,k9,YO,k1,YO,k9,k2tog,Y0,k3,O,ssk,k9,YO,k3 27:k3,YO,k9,k2tog,Y0,k5,Y0, ssk,k9,YO,k1,YO,k9,k2tog,YO,k5,Y0,ssk,k9,YO,k3 29:k3,YO,k9,k2tog,Y0,k7,Y0,ssk,k9,YO,k1,YO,k9,k2tog,Y0,k7,Y0,ssk,k9,YO,k3 ... continue in this manner until the middle section (here in red and bold) on each side of the center stitch has 21 knit sts. that is the case in row 45. it should look like this: 45:k3,YO,k9,k2tog,YO,k21,Y0,ssk,k9,YO,k1,YO,k9,k2tog,YO,k21,YO,ssk,k9, YO,k3 knit a normal back row (k3,p to last 3 sts,k3).now you are ready to insert the next section.all following sections are inserted in this manner: 47: k3,YO,k9,k2tog,YO, k10,YO, ss2k,YO, k10,YO, ssk, k9,YO, k1,YO,k9, k2tog,YO, k10,0,ss2k,o,k10,0,ssk,k9,YO,k3(thered parts correspond to the red partsofrow23) 49:k3,[YO, k9,k2tog] x2, Y0, k3,Y0,[ssk,k9,YO] x2,k1, [YO, k9,k2tog] x2, Y0, k3,Y0, [ssk,k9,YO]x2,k3

get it?

continue in this manner until you have barely enough yarn left for cast off. then cast off. sew inends,block inshape. optional eyelet border: 1: k all sts 2: kall sts 3: k3,[Y0,k2tog] to center st,k1,[ssk,YO] tolast3 sts,k3 4: kallsts 5: castoff note: the Yo of the eyelet border and the Yo of the main pattern do not correspond directly. If you encounter any errors or sections that are totally cryptic to you, please let me know! i hope you enjoy knitting this shawl and wearing it.please distribute thispattern widely, but do not claim or sell it as your own. you have my permission to sell the finished product, it would be nice if you mention me as the designer, though. have fun!

Pattern illustration

geometry - chart stitches: 0 YO (blank) knit /k2tog ssk 3 ss2k Xborder sts (k on all rows)


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