SpillyJane's Colorful Mittens Pattern: Quo Vadis (Women's Small-Medium)

米三米spillyjane knits

Quo Vadis By SpillyJane http://spillyjane.blogspot.com

Pattern illustration

The Mittens:

Size: Women's Small- Medium (or any hand that is $6.5-7\mathrm{~}^{\circ}$ in circumference.) Gauge: 6 stitches $\l=1$ inch $\left(2.5\thinspace\mathrm{cm}\right)$ ) in Stockinette st. Yarn: Approximately 223 yards (1o0 g) of worsted weight yarn (Main Colour - MC,) and partial skeins of worsted weight yarns in eight (8) different Contrast Colours (CCA, CCB, CCD, CCE, CCF, CCG, CCH, CCI.) The mittens as shown here were made with 1 skeinofPatonsClassicWool (223yds/10og)inGreyMixMC)andassorted partial skeinsof ElannPeruvian HighlandWool19 yds/5ogwhoselabelshavelongsincebeenmisplacedToproducemitesinasimilarcolourschemesubstitutewiththefollowing colourways of Cascade Yarns 220 Wool (220 yds / 100 g): 7826 (CCA,) 2410 (CCB,) 8901 (CCD,) 2442 (CCE,) 7827 (CCF,) 9541 (CCG,)7823(CCH) and $8885$ (CCI.) A 15" piece of waste yarn of the same weight in a contrasting colour to hold the thumb stitches is also required. Needles: One set of five (5) double pointed needles in US 5 $\left(3.75\,\mathrm{\mm}\right)$ 0 or size necessary to obtain gauge. Notions: A stitch marker to mark beginning of round (optional) and a tapestryneedle to weave in ends.

The Pattern:

Cuff: Using the MC, cast on 42 stitches using the Long Tail Cast On, or anyother stretchy cast on. Distribute stitches so that there are eleven (i1) stitches on both Needles 1 and 3 and ten (10) stitches on both Needles 2 and 4. The needles will now be known as Needles 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Being careful not totwist the stitches,joinin the round bymoving the first stitch cast on onNeedle 1toNeedle 4.Passthe last stitch cast on Needle 4 over this stitch and onto Needle 1. Thus the first and the last stitches have switched places. Prepare to begin to work in the round working the cuff as follows: Round 1: K2 tbl, p1. Repeat across alsts for the entire round. Reeat oudfrthnextfive(5rouds, for total of six 6)rouds of ribbing.Whn ribbing is cmlet, work allstithf the following round in Stockinette stitch. Prepare to work body of mitten, working from the Chart.

Mitten Body:

WorkfrtChat,fllwing frmrihtas nte thattcart shwseverystithinveryouontiu worn from Chart until Round 29 where thereis a mark denoting thumb placement. Prepare to set aside stitches for the thumb.

Thumb Placement:

For Left hand mitten: Knit across Needles 1 and Needle 2 and Needle 3. Knit the first two (2) stitches on Needle 4. Using the $15^{\circ}{}$ piece of waste yarn knit the next six (6) stitches on Needle 4. Slip these stitches back onto the left hand needle and continue to knit in pattern. Knit the last two (2) remaining stitches on Needle 4 (1o stitches on Needle 4). For Right hand mitten: Knit across Needles 1 and Needle 2. Knit the first two (2) stitches on Needle 3. Using the 15" piece of waste yarn knit the next six (6) stitches on Needle 3. Slip these stitches back onto the left hand needle and continue to knit in pattern. Knit the last three (3) stitches on Needle 3 (11 stitches on Needle 3). Knit across allstitches on Needle 4 in pattern. Contiukitng mChartuwreterdreasasthnreasa successfully executed working only from the chart or from the instructions below (or both.) Finger Decreases: Decrease for the fingertips in the following manner: Neede: Spthe frst stith,kin yanolour detedbyChart, pass slpp stith ove, acro allrmaning stith pattern. Needle 2: Kacross allstithes in pattern until two (2) stitches remain. Kthese two stitches together using yarn colour denoted by Chart. Ned: Sli thfst stith,kinylutdha, asl stthe, ralling sti Dattern. Neede:Kacrossallstithespaten utiltw 2stitchermain.Kthese twostithes togetherusing acolourntby Chart. Repeat this procedure until 6 stitches remain, working the final Round (Round 57) to the end of Needle 4. Break CC yarn, leaving a longenough tail tobewoven in.BreakMCyan,leaving ainch tailUsing a tapestryeede, drawyan throughall6 stithe, pulling tightly to close top of mitten. Continue to draw yarn to the inside of mitten, and weave in securely. Proceed to pick up for andworkthumb. Thumb:WithMC, piku6 stsboth above and belwthe stitchesheldon thwasteyarnforatotalof 12 sts,discarding thewast yarn when finished.Divide the sts evenly across4 needles-3 sts on each Needle.Begin working thumb at the lower right hand corner of the thumbhole.From hereon in, this first needle will be known as Needle 1, with the otherneedles known asNeedles , 3and4respectively.e suretoalsopick up2 sts ateither sideof thethumbhole 1each atthebeginning ofNeedesand3and 1eachattheendofNeedles2and416sts total4stsoneachNeedle)WorkthumbinplainStockinette st until piecereaches the tip of the recipient's thumb. When the thumb is the correct length, knit to the end of Needle 4. Prepare to begin to decrease for thethumb asfollows: Round 1: K2tog, k4, k2tog, k2tog, k4, k2tog. (12 sts rem.) Round 2: K2tog, k2, k2tog, k2tog, k2, k2tog. (8 sts rem.) Round 3: K2tog 4 times, across all sts. (4 sts rem.) Breakyaanhraatuhlstinhftast yarn to the inside of thumb, and weave in securely. Proceed to finishing instructions. Finishing: Weave in ends. Place mitten beneath a damp tea towel and press with a hot iron to steam block if desired.


Pattern illustration

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