All You Knit Is Love: Comprehensive Mitt Knitting Pattern with Detailed Instructions and Glossary

all you knit is love



Knitwise by Al You Kwit is Love (Q&Om/100gr) color off-white - 1 skein 3mm and 3.5mm double point needles Cor B0cm circular needles to work in Magic Loop) Serap yarm CpreFerably cotton or other smooth fiber) -5Ocm more or less Stitch marker Tapestry needle to weave in ends Gauge: Q3 sts = 10cw in stockinette stitch

Pattern illustration


= knit P = purl M1L = Increae 1 stitch to the left: With the left needle, lit the thread running horizontally between the stitches on either needle, Frow Front to back. Knit the new stitch through the back loop. MIR= Increase 1 stitch to the vight: With the leFt needle, lit the thread ruwwing hoizontaly between the stitches on either needle, From back to Front. Knit the new stich through the Front loop. 8lm = slip marker S8k = Slip one Stitch knitwise, Slip one Stitch purlwise, with the let needles go into the Front oF the Q slipped stitches and knit thew through the back loop. ktog = knit stitches together

all you knit is love


Cast on 4Q stitches withn the 3wm needles and using a stretchy cast on (I like α tubular cast on). Join to knit in the round, taking care to not twist the stitches. Divide the Stitches among 3 needles as Folows: 0 stitches Cback oF hand) 11 stitches, 11 stitches CQ0 stitches and Qa stitches if you are using Magic Loop). Work in K1、 P1 vibbing For C rounds. Knit 1 round and change to 3.5wm needles. Work in Wave stitch (see eXplanations on last page) over QO stitches and nit the rewaining Q& stitches. Aeter Q complete repetitions oF the Wave Stitch, increae For the thumb gusset as Follows:

Left hand

Right hand

1) Work Wave Stitch over QO stitches Cback oF hand), Kα0, place maker, K1 M1R, K1 2) Work Wave stitch over Q0 stitches, K&O, slm、 K1、M1R, knit to 1 stitch before the end of the round、 M1l、K1. 1) Work Wave stitch over QO stitches Cback oF hand), K1、M1R, K1, place marker K20 2) Work Wave stitch over QO stitches, K1 M1R, knit to 1 stitch before macker M1l slm,Ka1. Repeat round &) until there are 15 stitches after the marker. Place these 15 stitches on hold on a piece oF scrap yarn. You will now work on the 4O remaining stitches, continuing in Wave Stitch as established until you have Ccompleted 3.5 repetitions (finishing at the end of round 12). Repeat round 2) until there are 15 stitches before the marker. Place these 15 stitches on hold on a piece of scrap yarn. You will now work on the HO remaining stitches continuing in Wave stitch Qs established until you have completed 3.5 repetitions Cfinishing at the end of round 12). Work in P5、 K5 ribbing For 4 vounds Bind off all stitches. Work in P5、 K5 ribbing For 4 rounds Bind off all stitches.

all you knit is love


Put the 15 thumb stitches back on the needle and pick up and knit 3 stitches From the inner edge of the mitt to goin in the round. Knit even for Qcm over the 18 stitches. Work in kl、 P1 rbbing for 1cm. Bind off all stitches.

Wave stitch

1. This and all odd rounds are knit.. Q. M1L,h3, 8sk,K5,M1L,h3, ssk,h5 H. KI,M1L,h3,8kK5,M1,3, sskK4 G.h,M1L,h3,88k,K5,M1L,K3,8sk,3 8. K3,M1L,h3, 8s,K5,M1L,K3, 8sk, 10. KH,MIL,K3,8sk,K5,M1L,K3, 8sk,K1 1a.h5,MIL,K3, ssk,K5,MIL,K3, s8k 14.h5,katog h,MIR,KGkatog K,MIR,K1 1.KH,katogK,M1R,KG,katogM1RK 18.h3,katogs ha,MIRKG,katogha,MIR,K3 0.Ka,katog MIR,KG,katog h,MIR,K4 .K1,katogaM1R,G,katogh,MIR5 2H.katog K,MIR,KG,katog K,M1R,KG The pattern is for unlimited personal use. Please do not reproduce or sell the pattern without authorization. Items that are knitted from this pattern may be sold, but please cite the pattern used. For any questions, contact

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