Petal Hat Pattern: Vintage-Inspired Knitting Design for All Ages (Child & Adult Sizes)


I am a hat fanatic. I love hats almost as much as I love shoes. I think hats are neglected by modern fashion, and often find myself fantasizing about days when an outfit wasn't complete without a hat. I am particularly fond of the hats of the 20s, 30s and 40s. That's where I drew the inspiration for Petal. A nice warm hat, with a little bit of lace for a touch of feminity, perfect with short or long hair (and super cute with a bob). Happy knitting, Valerie


Child: 14 inches around Adult: 19 inches around Don't be alarmed if this seems small, there is a lot of stretch


1 Ball of Patons Classic Wool (I used ap proximately half a ball for the adult size) 1 pair 4mm needles

Pattern illustration


20 st and 24 rows in 4 inches of stockingknit St


$\mathbf{K}{=}\mathbf{K}\mathrm{nit}$ $\scriptstyle\mathrm{P=Purl}$ K2tog $=$ Knit 2 Together $\mathrm{YO=}$ yarnover


(Adult Size in Brackets) Cast on 90 [108] stitches 1) Knit row 2) Knit row 3) Purl row 4) \* (K2tog) x3, (k1, yo) x6, (k2tog) x3\*. Re- peat from \* to \* to end 5) Purl row Repeat rows 2-5 5 [7] times Child size only: Next row: Knit Next row: Purl

Both sizes:

1) K8 [K7] K2tog to end 2) (and all even rows) purl row 3) K7 [K6] K2tog to end 5) K6 [K5] K2tog to end"TYPE $\fallingdotseq$ PICT;ALT=" 7) K5 [K4] K2tog to end Continue decreasing in this manner until you have completed an entire row of K2tog. Cut yarn leaving long tail, draw yarn through remaining stitches, pull tight and seam. This hat can easily be done in the round for those who prefer not to seam. Simply join ends after casting on and knit all purl rows! Please contact me at wanderingcatstudio $@$ if you have any questions or comments. Copyright 2008, Wandering Cat Studio, - For personal use only.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

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