Warm Snowflake Slouchy Hat Knitting Pattern by Maria Petikhina - Baby Llama Yarn, Snowdrop Color, 3.5mm & 4mm US Circular Needles

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration


HnTkn: Mirasol Miski, 100% nyx naMbl, 75m/50rp. OAONeT IO6aA AOCTaTOHHO TONCTaA MArKaA HNTKa C conepxaHNem anbnakH, ko3bero nyxa WnИ moxepa. onOHNTebHO - B pe3ИHKy \*enaTebHO AO6aBUTb TOHKyIO naTeKCHyIO HИTKy. Cnnubl: 3.5Mm kpyroBble Ha pe3WHky, 4mM kpyroBble Ha OCHOBHyIo 4aCTb. noTHocTb npW BA3aHNN pe3UHKo 2x1: 18neT = 10cm. 06beMronoBbl-57cM. PacxoA - pHMepHo 130m (no4TH 2 MoTka).

"Warm Snowflake" slouchy hat

Yarn: Mirasol Miski, 100% baby llama, 75m/50gr, color Snowdrop. Any soft drapy yarn of similar gauge will do, with either alpaca or llama, or kid mohair. Add a thin latex thread into the rib. Needles: 3.5mm (US 4) circulars for rib; 4mm (US 6) circulars for the main part. Gauge in rib 2x1, slightly stretched: 18sts = 10cm (4"). Head circumference: 57cm (22.5"). You will need: 1.5-2 skeins (about 130m = 140yd)

opaμok pa6otbl.

Ha6paTb 102 neT Ha cnNubl 3.5mm. BA3aTb n0 kpyry. BA3aTb pe3ИHKo 2x1 (2 nHu, 1 H3H), C A06aBneHNeMnaTeKCHON HИTKU. CBA3aTb pe3ИHKo 14p, B nocneAHeM pAμypaBHOMepH0 npn6aBUTb 6n = 108 neT. 3aTeM nepeiTH Ha cnNubl 4MM, 06opBaTb JaTeKcHyo HИTb И HayaTb BA3aTb O cxeMe. O6paTUTe BHUMaHNe: Ha cxeMe 0603HayeHbl TOnbKO HeyeTHble pAAbl. Bce 4eTHble pAAbI BA\*yTCA KaK CMOTpAT neTN - T.e. Ha И3HaHO4HyIO neTIO npOBA3bIBaTb И3HaHO4HON, BCe OCTabHble - nNueBbIMN. (EcnN Bbl xOTHTe, 4To6bI WanKa nOny4NnaCb MeHee CB06oHo, nponycTHTe paμbl c 17 no 24. B wanke Ha 06pa3Le CBA3aHbl nOnHOCTbIO BCe pAAbl cxeMbl, 6e3 nponycKOB.) pOBA3aB nocneAHH pA cxeMbl (pA 51), 06pe3aTb HИTb Ha pacCTOAHИN 2OcM, pOTAHyTb HHTb 4epe3 BCe neT,3aTAHyTb,3aKpenNTby3eKOM WanKy HaMOuNTb B Tenno BOne, OTXaTb B nOnOTeHue, HaTAHyTb Ha 6onbWyIO TapenKy И AaTb BbICOxHyTb.

Work order.

Cast on 102 sts. Join in the round. Add latex thread. Knit 14 rnds using 2x1 rib: k2, p1 to the end of round. In the last rnd of the ribbing add 6 sts evenly = 108sts. Then cut off the latex thread, take over needles 4mm (US6) and knit the lace pattern (there are 9 repeats of the pattern in the hat). Please note: only odd rnds are charted. All the even rnds have to be knit accordingly: purl where you purled in the last rnd, and knit the rest sts. (lf you want your hat to be less slouchy, skip rnds 17- 24. The hat on the picture was knitted using all the pattern, with no skips). After the rnd 51, cut off the yarn, leaving about 20cm (8") tail. Pull the tail through all remaining sts (now 9sts), pull tight, make a knot. Sew in the ends. Soak the hat in the warm water, squeeze gently in a towel, stretch on a large plate (at least 25cm=10" in diameter) and let it dry. Warm Snowflake Slouchy Hat by Maria Petikhina

Pattern illustration

3/3 Make 3 sts out of 3 sts: k3tog, but do not slip the sts from the left needle; yo; k3tog on the same 3 sts; slip them from the left needle. You'll have 3 new sts on the right needle. nNLeBaA N3HAHOYHAA HakN 2 BMeCTenNLeBON 2 BMeCTe JNLeBON C HaKOnOHOM BneBO 3 BMeCTe nNLeBOn 3/3 BbIBA3aTb 3 neTnN N3 3: 3 BMeCTe JNLeBON, He CHUMaA HX C npaBO cnNμbl; HaKHA; 3 BMeCTe nHLeBON Te \*e neTnN; CHATb WX C npaBON cnNLbl. Ha npaBoN cnNLe nonyyaTcA 3 HOBble neTnИ.

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