Pineapple Delight Shawlette Knitting Pattern by Larisa Valeeva - Advanced Lace Project

AHaHacoBOe yIOBoJIbcTBHe MuHl-la.ib

Ju3aiHep: JIapuca BaJieeBa Vpo6eHb cIOSHcHOcm1: IpOIBHHyTHI - yMeHHe ITaTL CxeMHI aKypa, OHIT BA3aHHa fichu. InomHocm6: 14 1eTem H 22 paIa = 10 x 10 cM 1oc.1e 6.10KupoBKH Pa3.Mepo: 122 cM IO BepXHei IHHHH, 208 cM Io HH3y, 42 cM - BIcOTa IO IeHTpaIBHoi JmHHH Ip8ca: JIIO6a8 IIOIxOIaWax, B IaHHoM cIyuae KayHH Fall 8/1 (100% oBeuBA epcT) Cnuu61: 4,5 MM; Kp1040K: 3.5 MM Eue: MapKepB1, 6yIaBKH II8 61OKHpoBKH, 6Hcep H KpIOuOK (IpOBOJOKa) II8 erO HaHH3BIBaHHA CHaUaIa BAKeTCA HHKHAA HaCTH IIaJH, 3aTeM - BepXHAA B OOpaTHOM HaIpaB.IeHHH OT Haya.Ia BA3aHHX.


HaOpaTL Ha OpocOByIO HHTb 343 1eTI1 (+2 KpOMOuHb1e), JaJee BA3aTb OCHOBHOi IpAKei HHKHI0Ho HacTh aJH HO cxeMe A 38 pAIOB, 1IOBTOpAA pa1opT 18 pa3 (KpacHBi 1IBeT Ha cxeMe) H HacTb palIIIOpra IIA cHMMeTpHH. BhIO.IHHTh 8 pAIOB KaiMBI, B 5 pAIy HaHH3aTh 6Hcep Ha KaKIyIO BTOpyIO eTIIO pecTOHa. CIeJIaTh 0OBA3Ky KpI04KOM apKaMH H3 6 BO3IyIⅢHLIX IpyIIHI IeTe.II B KOJH4eCTBe, yKa3aHHOM Ha CXeMe (CHHHM IIBeTOM). OTIIecTH OpocoByIO HHTb, IpOBA3aTh IepexOIHb11 pHI (O Ha cxeMe B), yMeHBIaA KOJHHecTBO IeTeJIb B KaKIoM pa1IopTe c 18-TH Io 12. B HTOre Ha cIHIax IO.IKHO ocTaTLca 229 IeTe.nb. HIpoBA3aB H3HaHOuHBIi pAI, IepeiTH K popMHpOBaHHIO BepxHei qacTH 川a.IH yKOpOueHHHIMH pAIaMH c IaTOM IIpHOaB.IeHHa 5 IeTeIb, OIHOBpeMeHHO BHIIIOJIHAA aKypHyIO BCTaBKy IO CXeMe B (eCJIH 9TO 1IOKaKeTCA CJIOKHLIM, MOKHO 06oiTHCb H 6e3 Hee). BepxHHi Kpai 3aKpHITh Kp1ouKOM: 2 IeTIH BMeCTe, 2 B03IyMHLIX.

Pattern illustration

Larisa Valeeva 2011

For private non-commercial use only

Pineapple Delight Shawlette by Larisa Valeeva

Pattern: Level of difficulty: advanced - ability to read lace charts, experience in knitting fichu Gauge: 14 stitches and 22 rows = 10. cm (4.inches) after blocking Finished measurements: 122 cm (48 inches) along upper line, 208 cm (82 inches) along lower line, 42 cm (16 inches) height along central line Material: any suitable lace weight yarn, in this case Kauni Fall 8/1 (100% wool), approx. 700 m (766.yards) / 100. g Needles: (US # 7) Crochet hook: (US # E) Notions: stitch markers, pins for blocking. beads and crochet hook (wire) for beading The lower part of the shawlette is knitted first, the upper part is knitted in the opposite direction from the beginning of the shawlette.


With waste yarn cast on 343 stitches (+ 2 edge stitches, 1 on each side). Work chart A for 38 rows, thus working the pattern repeat (marked in red) 18 times and part of the pattern repeat for symmetry. Work 8 edging rows (shown at the top of chart A). In row 5 place beads on every second stitch of the edging. Crochet edge: Make curves of 6 chain stitches in the amount mentioned in the chart (dark blue). Remove waste yarn from cast-on edge, und knit the transitional row ( chart B), thus reducing the number of stitches from 18 to each pattern repeat. After this row you should have 229 stitches on the needle. In the wrong side (purl) row the upper part of the shawlette is established with short rows by adding 5 stitches, at the same time following chart B (if this seems too complicated, you can do Without). upper border with crochet hook as follows: 2 stitches together, 2 chain stitche

Pattern illustration

Pineapple Delight shawlette

by Larisa Valeeva Sticknivan: avancerad - du skall kunna lasa diagram samt kunna sticka "fichu". Masktathet: 14 m x 22 v = 10 cm efter blocking. Storlek: 122 cm langs den 0vre kanten, 208 cm langs den nedre, 42 cm - hojden i mitten. Garn: Kauni Fall 8/1 Stickor: 4,5 mm, virknal: 3.5 mm. Samt: markorer, parlor och en liten virknal for dem. Forst stickas den nedre delen av sjalen, sedan den ovre, i den motsatta riktningen. (Motsatta mot borjan av sjalen.)

Pattern illustration


Lagg upp med restgarn 343 maskor (+2 kantmaskor). Sticka vidare med huvudgarnet nedre delen av sjalen enligt diagram A i 38 varv, upprepa rapport 18 ggr (rodmarkerat i diagrammet) och en del av rapporten for symmetrin. Sticka 8 varv av spetskanten och i den 5-te varvet satt in parlorna pa varannan maska i "bagarna". (Se fotot). Virka kanten pa sjalen med lyftmaskor enligt det antalet som ar angivet med blatt pa den oversta raden i diagram A. (6Bn) betyder 6 lyftmaskor. Tag forsiktigt bort restgarnet och sticka ett overgangsvarv (O enligt diagram B), samt minska antalet maskor i varje rapport fran 18 till 12. Slutligen skall det vara 229 maskor pa stickorna. Sticka ett avigt varv och ga over till att forma den ovre delen av sjalen med forkortade varv med okningssteget 5m. Samtidigt gor ett spetsmonster i mitten enligt diagram B. (Om man tycker att detta ar for svart kan man hoppa over diagrammet och slatsticka istallet). Avmaska ovre kanten med virknal: 2m tills, 2 lyftmaskor.

Larisa Valeeva 2011

For private non-commercial use only

chart A

Pattern illustration

yarn over (yo) 3BM (un CHM3y) 4BM, 5BM k4tog, k5tog nM4 M3 npoMexyTKa sts from provisional cast-on M3 1n - 3 (n, H, n) make 3 out of 1 (k, yo, k) M3 1n - 5 (n,H,n,H,n) make 5 out of 1 (k,yo,k,yo,k) 4eTHble pAAbl - M3H wrong side rows - purl

chart B

Pattern illustration

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