Nugins' Fish Easy Knitting Pattern: Small Sapphire Fish Figure with Worsted Weight Yarn

Nugins' Fish

Pattern illustration

Difficulty - Easy stitches: knit, k2tog, ssk, m1l, m1r


needles: US7/4.5mm yarn: worsted weight (3yd) - pictured Lion Brand Vanna's Choice in Sapphire


Gauge is not important for this project. Dimensions Sample is approximately 1" by 2".

Abbreviations and Stitches

k - knit k2tog - knit two together skpsso - slip one, knit one, pass slipped stitch over m1l - make one left m1r - make one right I recommend (http://_ ) for video examples of these stitches.


Cast on 10 stitches. 1: k1, k2tog, k4, skpsso, k1 2: k8 3: k1, k2tog, k2, skpsso, k1 4: k6 5: k1, k2tog, skpsso, k1 6-8: k4 9: k1, m1_, k2, m1_, k1 10: k6 11: k1, m1_, k4, m1_, k1 12: k8 Bind off.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Finishing Weave in both ends.

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