Jefferson Textured Cowl Knitting Pattern Inspired by Thomas Jefferson's Walkways at the University of Virginia


Pattern illustration

The Jefferson design, chart, text, and images are subject to copyright. This pattern is meant for non-commerical purposes ONLY. Please do not sell the pattern or sell finished cowls, or use for a commercial knitting class without the expressed permission of Rosemary Cox. Thanks! a textured cowl inspired by Thomas Jefferson's walkways at the University of Virginia

Pattern illustration

Rosemary Cox Finished measurements approximately 22.5 inches (57.2 cm) in cirumference and


Cast on 90 sts and join in the round, ensuring stitches are not twisted. Place marker and purl all stitches for 2 rounds. Knit rounds 1-45 of pattern chart.

Pattern illustration

Rosemary Cox Purl all stitches for 2 rounds, then bind off loosely.

Pattern chart

Pattern illustration

purl through back loop purl knit

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