Knitting Pattern for Complex Scarf or Shawl Design with Repeating Motifs

he Jittle Castle Cloth

Pattern illustration

Sample square was made with acrylic yarn and size 6 needles. This pattern is written with a seed stitch border, but Ithink would work with garter stitch as well. Rows 1-5: (K1, P1) to end, K1 Row 6: (K1, P1) wice, P38, K1, p1, K1 Row 7: (K1, P1) twice, k37, (P1, K1) twice Row 8: (K1, P1) twice, P38, k1, p1, k1 Row 9: (K1, P1) twice, k37, (P1, K1) twice Row 10:(K1, P1) twice, p3, (K1, P1) 5 times,k1, p9, (K1, P1) 5 times, k1, p4, k1, p1, k1 Row 11: (K1, P1) twice, k3,(k1, p1) 5 times, k11,(p1, k1)5 times, k3, (P1, K1) twice Row 12: (K1, P1) twice, p4,(p1, k1) 5 times, p9, (K1, P1)5 times, p5, k1, p1, k1 Row 13: (K1, P1) twice, k4, (p1, k1)5 times, k10, (p1, k1)4 times, p1, k4,(p1, k1) twice Row 14: (K1, P1) twice, p4, (p1, k1) 5 times, p9, (K1, P1) 5 times, p5, k1, p1, k1 Row 15: (K1, P1) twice, k4, (p1, k1) 5 times,k10, (p1, k1)4 times, p1, k4, (p1, k1) twice Row 16: (K1, P1) twice, p4,(p1, k1) 5 times, p9, (K1, P1)5 times, p5, k1, p1, k1 Row 17: (K1, P1) twice, k4, (p1, k1)5 times, k10, (p1, k1)4 times, p1, k4,(p1,k1) twice Row 18: (K1, P1) twice, p4, (p1, k1) 5 times, p9, (K1, P1) 5 times, p5, k1, p1, k1 Row 19: (K1, P1) twice, k4, (p1, k1)5 times, k10, (p1, k1)4 times, p1, k4,(p1, k1) twice Row 20: (K1, P1) twice, p4, (p1, k1) 5 times, p9, (K1, P1) 5 times, p5,k1, p1, k1 Row 21: (K1, P1) twice, k4, (p1, k1) 5 times,k10, (p1, k1) times, p1,k4, (p1, k1) twice Row 22: (K1, P1) twice, p4, (p1, k1) 5 times, p9, (K1, P1) 5 times, p5, k1, p1, k1 Row 23:(K1, P1) twice, k4,(p1, k1) 5tmes, k10,(p1, k1)4 times, p1, k4, (p1, k1) twice Row 24: (K1, P1) twice, p4, (p1, k1) 5 times, p9, (K1, P1) 5 times, p5, k1, p1, k1 Row 25: (K1, P1) twice, k4,(p1, k1) 5 times, k10, (p1, k1)4 times, p1,k4, (p1, k1) twice Row 26: (K1, P1) twice, p4,(p1, k1) 5 times, p9, (K1, P1)5 times, p5, k1, p1, k1 Row27: (K,P)wice,k4, (p1,1)5tmes, 10, (p,k1)4tes,p1,k4,(p,k1)ic Row28:(K1, P) twice, p4,(p, k1) tmes, p9, (K1,P1) tmes, p5, k,p, k1 Row 29: (K1, P1) twice, k4,(p1, k1) 5 times, k10, (p1, k1)4 times, p1,k4, (p1,k1) twice Row 30: (K1,P1)twice, p5, (k, p1)5 times,p8, (k1, p1)5times, p5, K1, P, k Row31: (K1,P1)twice, k4, (p1, k1) tmes, p1, k7, (p1,k1) times, k3, (P1,K1)twie Row32:(K1, P1)twice, p5, (k1, p) times, p4, (k1, p) times, p5,K1, P,1 Row 33: (K1, P1) twice,k4, (p1, k1)7 times, k2,(p1, k1)7 times, k3, (P1, K1) twice Row 34: (K1, P1) twice, P5, (K1, P1) 14 times, p5, K1, P1, k1 Row 35: (K1, P1) twice, k4, (p1, k1) 15 times, k3, (P1, K1) twice Row 36: (K1, P1) twice, P5, (K1, P1) 14 times, p5, K1, P1, k1 Row 37: (K1, P1) twice,k4, (p1, k1) 15 times,k3, (P1, K1) twice Row 38:(K1, P1) twice, P5, (K1, P1) 14 times, p5, K1, P1, k1 Row 39:(K1, P) twice,k4, (p1,1) twice, p1, k5, p1, k1, p1, k3, p1, k1, p1,k5, (p1, 3tmes, k3, (P1,K1)tie Row40: (K1, P1) twice, p5,(k1, p1)3times, p2, (k1, p1) twice, p4,k1, p1, k1, p3, (k1, p1)3times, p5, k1, p1, k1 Row41: (K1,P)twice, k4,(p1, k1) twice, p1,k5, p1,k1, p1, k3, p1, k1, p1, k5, (p1, k1 3times, k3, (P1, K1) twice Row 42: (K1, P1) twice, p5, (k1, p1) twice, p4,(k1, p1) twice, p4,k1, p1, k1, p5,k1, p1, k1, p6,k1, p1,1 Row43: (K1, P1)twice, k4, (p1, k) tice, p1,19, (p1,k1) times, k3, (p1, k1) tice Row44:(K1, P1) twice,p5, k1, p1, k1, P21, k1, p1, k1, p6,k1, p1, k1 Row 45: (K1, P1) twice, k4, (p1, k1) twice, p1, k19, (p1, k1) 3 times, k3, (p1, k1) twice Row 46: (K1, P1) twice, p3,(k1, p1) 4 times, P16, (k1, p1) 4times, p4, k1, p1, k1 Row47: (K1, P1)twice, k4, (p1, k1) tice, p1,19, (p1,k1) times, k3, (P1,K1)twie Row48: (K1,P)twice,p3, (k1,p1)4times,P16, (k1, p)4tmes, p4,k1, p,k Row 49: (K1, P1) twice,k6, p1,K23, p1, k6, (P1,K1) twice Row 50: (K1, P1)twice, p3, (k1,p1)3times,k1, P17,(K1, P1)4tmes,p3,k1, p, k1 Row 51: (K1, P1) twice, k4,(p1, k1) twice, p1,k19, (p1, k1)twice, p1, k4,(p1, k1) twice Row 52: (K1, P1) twice, p3,(k1, p1) 3 times, k1, P17,(K1, P1)4 times, p3, k1, p1, k1 Row 53:(K1, P1) twice, k37,(P1, K1) twice Row 54: K1, P1,k1, P39, k1, p1, k1 Row 55: (K1, P1) twice, k37, (P1, K1) twice All ptenswere st-kit andhavebeen transrid tothbst fmabityyas Rows 56-60: (K1, P1) to end, k1 may, lam not perect dal o pleae mailmeat cetant@sblobal. fyou Bind off! find any erors.

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