Snuggly Wuggly Baby Sport Yarn Knitting Pattern for Full Garment with Sally's Windshield Detailing and Shaped Armholes

Materials: Loops & Tlureads Snuggly Wuggly. baby sport yarn MC: 01133 Blue, CC:01005White 4 mm needles, circular and DP; 5.5 mm needle Gauge:20 st and 28rows per 4 inches The body is knit in one piece from the bottom. On a 5.5 mm needle, cast on 102 stitches using provisional cast oL. Tran sfer to 4 mm c ircu lar needle and join. Knit 5 rows. Purl next row for tuming row. Knit 6 rows. Fold at turning row. Next row: knit together with loops from provisional cast on, to form hem. Knit until length from start is 4 inches, divide into 51 st for front and 51 st for back and mark sides; decrease one st at each side. When length is S inche s, decrease one st at each side. When length is 1l inches, decrease three st on front and back as follows: K18 k2tog.k4 k2tog.k4 k2tog.k 17: 46 st in front and back At each side bind off 4 st to staut armholes: 42 st in front and back. Bac k: C ont inue in stockinette and form back opening. K one row. On next roow, decrease one st at each side: 40 st. At row 15, stat neck opening: divide in two, 20 st left and 20 st riglt. Work 13 more rows on each side. Bind off 7 st at neck edges; knit one row; decrease one st at neck edge. Bind off 6 st from sides at shoulders; knit one row, bind offlast 6 st. Front: Follow diagram to fonm Sally 's windshield, shape amholes and neck. Sew shoulder seams.

Pattern illustration

Neck Band: Pick up 56 st around neck aud knit one row, purl one row Next row: K4 k2tog across. Purl one row. Next row: k6 k2tog. (k3 k2tog) across. Purl onerow.

Pattern illustration

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