Ronda Capelet Knitting Pattern by Teresa Tamayo - Merino Extra Fine Yarn, 3mm US 2.5 Needle Size, Detailed Row Instructions


by Teresa Tamayo

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Measurements: Neck 60cm, Shoulder 100cm Yarn: Hamburger Wollfabrik Merino extrafein 12ply Needle size: 3mm/US 2,5 Pattern instructions: CO: 102sts 1st -3rd row: purl 5.-30. row: knit 3 rows, purl 3 rows, repeat 31. row: knit increasing each third stitch (136sts) row 32-38: knit throug back loop (tb1.), purl, repeat row 39: purl, knit through back loop, repeat. Increase to 166 sts according to the following sceme: \*purl, knit tbl. for 15 sts lift the strand from below and purl, knit, lift the strand from below and purl, repeat from\* for the whole row. row 40-48: knit through back loop, purl, repeat row 49: increase to 182 sts: purl, knit tbl. for 20 sts, increase 2 sts as described in row 39 lifting up the strand before and after a knit stitch from the row below and purl these stitches, repeat 8 times=182sts. row 50-64: purl, knit tbl., repeat. row 65-74: knit through back loop, purl, repeat. Finishing: sewn bind off (e.g. see description in Elisabeth Zimmerman ,Knitting without tears").

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