Kimono Jacket Knitting Pattern for Medium Size with Cable and Rib Details in 100% Cotton Yarn

Kimono Jacket

Pattern illustration

Gauge with needle size US 6 (stockinette) 3,5"= 20 stitches 2,5"= 20 rows Rib pattern k1, p1

Cable pattern

Pattern illustration

knit on RS, purl on WS purl onRS,knit onWs slip next two stitches onto cable needle and hold in back of work, K2, knit stitches from the cable needle

Cast on

Cast on 88 stitches and knit 4" in rib pattern At the last row of rib pattern increase 23 stitches evenly spread Knit 7,9" in cable pattern then start with the increase for the sleeves At every end of row increase as follows: 1 stitch, 2 stitches, 3 stitches, 5 stitches, 10 stitches, 10 stitches, 10 stitches, 10 stitches, 10 stitches continue the cable pattern, the last 27 stitches in rib pattern Total stitches = 233 Knit 9,5" Start the neckline Knit 111 stitches, bind off 11 stitches, knit 111 stitches, knit back row until the bind off stitches In the following rows bind off as follows 5 stitches, 3 stitches, 2 stitches = 101 stitches Knit 10,5" In the following rows bind off as follows 10 stitches, 10 stitches, 10 stitches, 10 stitches, 10 stitches, 5 stitches, 3 stitches, 2 stitches, 1 stitch = 40 stitches knit 7,5" In the last row knit every 4th stitches with 5th stitch togehter = 32 stitches Knit 4" in rib pattern, bind off Knit the right front mirror-inverted

Facing and collar

Pick up stitches along the right front part, neckline and left front part. Pick up 4 stitches from 6 rows and along the neckline from every stitch Knit 8" in rib pattern


Sew together side seam and sleeves Turn the half of the facing to the right side and sew together at the bottom and 5" to the top. This is the pocket Facts: Yarn: 100% cotton Yardage: unknown Wastage: 550 g Needlesize: US 6 Size: M

Pattern illustration

have fun

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