Shiny Cowl Knitting Pattern by Dee Anna Rendall - Silk Cowl with Stretchy Rib Design

Pattern illustration

Shiny Cowl by Dee Anna Rendall

Finished Measurements:

$16^{\prime\prime}$ around, $6.5^{\prime\prime}$ height


1 ball Debbie Bliss Pure Silk $100\%$ silk, $125\mathrm{m}$ ), Stitch marker, $16^{\prime\prime}$ US Size 6 needles


6.25 stitches per inch in pattern without stretching


Abbreviations - k1 tbl $=$ knit 1 stitch through the back of the loop Cast on 100 stitches, place marker and join for kniting in the round. Row $I-{}^{*}\!\mathrm{k}2$ p1, k1 tbl, pl, repeat from \* to the end ofthe round Row $2-{}^{*}\!\mathrm{k}1$ , yo, k1, pl, k1 tbl, pl, repeat from \* to the end of the round Row $3-{^{*}\!\mathrm{k}}3$ pl, k1 tbl, pl, repeat from \* to the end of the round $R o w\;4-{}^{*}\!\mathrm{k}3$ , pass the 3rd stitch on the right needle over the first 2 knit stitches on the right needle, p1, $_{\mathrm{k}1}$ tbl, p1, repeat from \* to the end of the round Repeat these rows until desired length. BO in rib patterm afer completing row 4. NOTE: The number of stitches are increased in row 2 and decreased back to the original number in row 4. When making this cowlI only had 1 yard of yarn leftat the end, if intending to make this patten longer or wider you will need more than 1 ball of yarn. The patten is very stretchy and pulls on easily.

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