Ewe Look Marvelous Bag P-50: A Felted Wool Bag Pattern with Unique Sheep-Inspired Design and Detailed Knitting Instructions


Ewe Look Marvelous Bag P-50

To paraphrase from Oliver!, "wool, glorious wool, what wouldn't we give for, ... it's what we live for!" The fiber we love and its source make a felted bag that comes together in a most ewe-nique way. Don't be sheepish, ewe'lllookmarvelous! 1.4..141/1


2 (250gm/430yd) hanks Wool Around The World 10 ply WoolPak (100% wool), 1 hank each in Natural (MC) and Charcoal (A) US Size 10%2 double pointed needles & 24" circular Ring markers (4), locking stitch markers (2) Tapestry needle Optional: buttons for eyes Gauge: approx 3 sts/in in st st


ssk - Slip the next two sts knitwise, one at a time. Insert the left needle from left to right through the slipped sts and knit. w&t - wrap and turn. Right side (RS) - bring yarn forward, slip next st as if to purl, take yarn to back of work, slip slipped st back to left needle, turn work and purl. Wrong side (ws) - take yarn to back of work, slip next st as if to purl, bring yarn forward, slip slipped st back to left needle, turn work and knit. pick up - pick up. Insert needle under one “leg" of st. pick up and knit - Insert needle into st, wrap yarn knitwise around needle. Draw the yarn (the stitch) through and leave it on the needle. 3 Needle Bind Off - Holding two needles parallel, \*k2tog (one st from front needle, one st from back needle), repeat \* once. Bind off first st over second st. Continue to k2tog, one front st and one back st, while binding off. I-Cord - With dpn, cast on required number of sts. Do not turn needle. \*Slide sts to other end of dpn. Pull yarn across back of sts and k. Do not turn the work, repeat \*. Applied I-Cord: (4 st version) \*Slide the four I-Cord sts from dpn to circular. K3, k2tog tbl (through the back loop) repeat \*.

Pattern Stitch

(Single Loop Stitch from Knitting On the Edge by Nicky Epstein, p. 111, modified for knitting in the round)

Pattern illustration

Rnds 1 & 2: Knit.

Rnd 3: \*K1, leaving original st on LH needle. Bring yarn forward between the needles and wrap clockwise around left thumb making a 5" (total length) loop. Bring yarn to the back and k again into the st on LH needle. Return the 2 sts just worked to LH needle and k them together, rep \* around. When st is completed, give loop a slight tug. Repeat Rnds 1-3 for pattern stitch.

Outer Front

With circular needle and MC, CO 100 sts. Join in round, being careful not to twist sts. Place marker for beg of rnd. Rnd 1: Knit, placing ring markers after st 28, st 54 and st 74. Rnd 2: Knit. Rnd 3: Work Rnd 3 of Pattern Stitch. Rnds 4, 5, 6: Work one repeat of Pattern Stitch. Rnd 7: Knit. Rnd 8: K to first m, slip m, k2tog, \*k to 3 sts before next m, ssk, k1, slip m, k1, k2tog, rep \* once, k to 2 sts before beg of rnd, ssk. (94 sts) Rnd 9: Work Rnd 3 of Pattern Stitch. Rnd 10: Knit. Rnd 11: K1, k2tog, \*k to 3 sts before m, ssk, k1, slip m, k1, k2tog, rep\* twice, k to 3 sts before beg m, ssk, k1. (86 sts) Rnd 12: Work Rnd 3 of Pattern Stitch. Rnd 13: Knit. Rnd 14: K to first m, bind off loosely to beg of rnd, leaving last st of bind off on RH needle. Row 1 of Face begins at this point. (25 sts on LH needle and 1 on RH needle) Inner Front/Face (worked flat on circular needle) Row 1: Ssk, work Rnd 3 of Pattern Stitch to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. (24 sts) Row 2: Purl across, placing locking stitch markers in st 6 and in st 19 (top of forehead). Break MC and attach CC, leaving an 18" tail of CC. Rows 3, 5, 7: Knit. Row 4: P9, w&t, k to beg of row, turn, p to end of row, turn, k9, w&t, p to end of row. Row 6: P8, w&t, k to beg of row, turn, p to end of row, turn, k8, w&t, p to end of row. Rows 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, & 26: Purl. Row 9: K1, ssk k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. (22 sts) Rows 11 & 13: K17, w&t, p12, w&t, k to end of row. Row 15: K16, w&t, p10, w&t, k to end of row. Row 17: K5, ssk, k8, k2tog, k to end of row. Rows 19 & 21: K13, w&t, p6, w&t, k to end of row. Row 23: K1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. (18 sts) Rows 25 & 27: K11, w&t, p4, w&t, k to end of row. Row 28: P4, p2tog, p6, p2tog tbl, p4. (16 sts) Row 29: K1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. Rows 30 & 32: Purl. Row 31: \*K1, ssk, rep \* once, k2, \*k2tog, k1, rep \* once. Row33:Knit. Row 34: P2, p2tog, p2, p2tog tbl, p2. (8 sts) Row 35: K2, ssk, k2tog, k2. Bind off purlwise as follows: P2tog, work bind off to last 2 sts, p2tog and complete bind off. Leave 20" tail to sew inner front to outer front.

Forelocks (worked flat)

With circular or dpn, and RS facing, pick up 14 sts between the two locking st markers in loop section. Row 1: With RS facing, attach MC on right end of needle and purl across. Rows 2, 4, 6, 8, & 10: (RS) K1, work to last st in Loop St as for Rnd 3 of Pattern Stitch, k1. Row 3: P3, p2tog, p4, p2tog tbl, p3. Row 5: P1, p2tog, p to last 3 sts, p2tog tbl, p1. (10 sts) Row 7: P1, \*p2tog, rep \* once, \*p2tog tbl, rep \* once, p1. Row 9: \*P1, p2tog, p2tog tbl, p1. Bind off purlwise as for Face above, leaving an 18" tail. Sew forelock to forehead with tails. Locate center bottom of face, mark. Locate center bottom of outer front bind off, mark. Match markers and sew face to outer section using tails to work from top down and bottom up. Work in tails. Rnd 1: \*K1, inc, k1, inc, k1, rep \*. (14 sts) Rnds 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 & 12: Knit around. Rnd 3: \*K1, inc, k3, inc, k1, \* rep \*. (18 sts) Rnd 7: \*K2, ssk, k1, k2tog, k2, rep \*. (14 sts) Rnd 10: \*K1, ssk, k1, k2tog, k1, rep \*. (10sts) Rnd 13: \*Ssk, k1, k2tog, rep \*. (6 sts) Work 3 Needle Bind Off over remaining 6 sts. Repeat pick up for right ear, attaching CC at lower face end of dpns and work Rnds 1-13 for ear. Work in tails.

Back (worked flat)

With circular and MC, CO 20 sts. Row 1: Knit. Row 2: Purl. Row 3: K1, inc, k to last 2 sts, inc, k1. Row 4: Purl. Row 5: Knit. Row 6: Purl. Row 7: K1, inc, k2, inc, k to last 5 sts, inc, k2, inc, k1. Row 8: Purl. Repeat Rows 1-8 until there are 38 sts and Row 8 is complete. Continue in st st until back measures 12" from CO, ending with a WS row. Decreases To Top Row 1: (RS) K2, ssk, k to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2. Rows 2, 4: Purl. Row 3: K12, ssk, k8, k2tog, k to end. Rows 5 & 6: Repeat Rows 1 & 2. Row 7: K12, ssk, k4, k2tog, k to end. Row 8: Repeat Row 4. Row 9: Repeat Row 1. Leave remaining sts on circular. Do not break yarn. (28 sts) Center a 40" length of MC in the middle st of back cast on row. Mark the lower center of the outer front cast on row. Sew back to front, working in both directions from lower center points and sew to within 2 rows of top. Leave tails for finishing. Back is slightly longer than front. Any excess can be worked in when joining and will disappear when felted.



Sts for ears are picked up on two dpns which lie parallel to one another and to the face section. Rnds are worked with a third needle. Ears are attached in the first two sts of the CC section. With RS facing, pick up sts for left ear asfollows. Needle 1: Pick up “outside leg" of the first st in the first 5 rows of the CC section. Needle 2: Skip the “inside leg" of the first st and pick up the outside leg of the second st in the first 5 rows. (10 sts Attach CC at face top of dpns and work Rnds 1-13 for ear.

Ears (worked in round on dpns)

Top and Holes For Strap

Resume working on circular. Beg at working end of MC. Pick up and knit 24 sts across top front. Place marker for beg of round. Top is worked in round. (52 sts) Knit one round, placing ring markers after st 5, st 21, st 30, and st 48. With working end of MC, CO 4 sts to dpn and begin applied I-cord. \*Work applied I-cord to marker, work 4 rnds I-cord on rem 4 sts only, rep \* to last 4 sts, work applied I-cord over rem sts and bind off. Sew CO and BO edges of cord together. Complete side seams, work in tails. NOTE: Loops were not cut on bag as pictured. For a "woolier" look, cut loops. Strap & Strap Cover With dpn and MC, cast on 5 sts and work I-cord for 48- 50". Bind off. Work in tails. Variation: With MC and CC held tog, CO 3 sts and work I-cord for 48-50". With MC, CO 14 sts and work 18 rows garter st. Variation: (pictured) alternate 2 rows MC with 2 rows CC. Bind off. Work in tails.


Set washer for heavy-duty cycle, low water level and hot water. Add about one tbl liquid laundry soap to water. Place bag, strap and strap cover in zippered bag. Drop into washer. Agitate. Check progress after 5 minutes, then, every few minutes until all pieces are felted as desired. Remove from washer and advance cycle to first spin. Allow tub to fill and return parts to water. Let rinse for 5-10 seconds and advance cycle to spin. When tub is empty, position parts flat against tub side and spin out water. Shape bag and finger comb the locks around the face. Let dry.


Mark center of strap. Thread strap through loops at top. Sew ends of strap together with matching yarn (center top of strap). Match center top to strap center. Wrap strap cover around strap at center top and sew, overlapping the cast on and bind off edges. Secure cover to strap.

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