A Petite Felted Carrier Bag Pattern by Ann: Knitting Tutorial with Magic Cast-On and Felting Instructions

A Petite Felted Carrier (2 handles)

by Ann

Pattern illustration


5 50 gms balls of Cleckheaton Vintage Hues (the color I used is 1270) (you can also use any other yarn which have to be $100\%$ wool for felting) 6.5mm circular needles (60 cm length) 1 stitch marker


Before felting : Base - 34 cm Circumference - 90 cm Height - 50 cm Handle - 52 cm After felting : Base - 18 cm Circumference - 58 cm Height - 25 cm Handle - 36 cm


K - knit P- purl Kfb - knit into front of stitch & knit into back of stitch (increasing by 1 stitch) K2tog - knit 2 sts together (decrease by 1 stitch) $\tau\footnote{h t h e p a r a m e t e r:~+86-108823606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060506060606065060606065060606506066065060650606606506065066065060660650650606606506506065065060665060650650650606506506506065065050650650506505065065050650506505065050505065050505050505050505050505050505055050505050505050550505050505055050505055050505055050505505050550505505055050550505505055055050550550505505505505505505505505505505505505550550555055055505550550555055505550555505550555550555505555055555505555550555555505555555550555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 $ you are not familiar with Magic Cast-on or Magic Loop, you can use double pointed needles (dpns) to cast on & then join in the round.) Using the Magic Cast-on, cast on 8 stitches (4 stitches on each needle). Now using the Magic Loop method, start knitting. Round $1\,\&$ all odd rounds - knit Round 2 - kfb into every stitch (16 stitches) Round $4-{\star}{\sf k}1$ , kfb\* all around (24 stitches) Round $6-\star1\times2$ $k+b^{\star}$ all around (32 stitches) Round $8-\star|k3$ $k+b^{\star}$ all around (40 stitches) Round $10-{}^{\star}{\sf k}4$ , kfb\* all around (48 stitches) Round $12-\star k5$ , kfb\* all around (56 stitches) Round $14-\star{\sf k}6$ , kfb\* all around (64 stitches) Round $16-{}^{\star}\sf k7$ , kfb\* all around (72 stitches) Round $18-\star1\in$ , kfb\* all around (80 stitches) Round $20-\star|k9$ , kfb\* all around (88 stitches) Round $22-{}^{\star}\mathsf{k}10$ , kfb\* all around (96 stitches) Round $24-\star{\sf k}11$ , kfb\* all around (104 stitches) Round $26-{}^{\star}\!k12$ , kfb\* all around (112 stitches) Round $28-{}^{\star}\mathsf{k}13$ , kfb\* all around (120 stitches) Round $30\mathrm{~-~}^{\star}{\sf k}14$ $k+b^{\star}$ all around (128 stitches) Purl 3 rounds.


Carry on knitting every round until the bag is 50 cm high.


Cast off 6 stitches, knit the next 18 stitches, cast off 16 stitches, knit the next 18 stitches, cast off 12 stitches, knit the next 18 stitches, cast off 16 stitches, knit the next 18 stitches & cast off the last 6 stitches. Rejoin yarn to the $1^{s\dagger}$ set of 18 stitches Row 1 - knit Row 2 - purl Row 3 - k1, k2 tog, knit till the last 3 stitches, k2 tog, k1 (13 stitches) Row 4 - purl Repeat the above 4 rows once more until there are 12 stitches left. Continue knitting these 12 stitches until the handle is 26 cm long. Do not cast off & leaves stitches on a stitch holder. Cut yarn but leave a 20 cm tail. Rejoin yarn to the next set of 18 stitches & repeat the decreases & continue knitting until the handle is 26 cm long. Do the same for the next 2 sets of 18 stitches. Once all 4 handles are completed, you can join the handles together with the 3- needle bind-off technique. Make sure that the handles are not twisted & are joined to the handle on the same side of the bag (ie on the left & not across the bag). Weave in all the ends & you are ready for felting. I felt my bag in a top loading machine on a regular hot/cold cycle. I put my knitted piece in a laundry bag & put the laundry bag in the machine with a towel. I also add a little teaspoon of wool wash. Check the machine after 10 mins as you don't want your bag to be over felted. Happy felting !


ht+p://www.knitty.com/ISSUEspring06/FEATmagiccaston.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhBISoAhhQY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B+BSmxGomPk 3-needle Bind Off http://www.stitchdiva.com/custom.aspx?id=189

Copyright 2009 by Ann Lim at www.1morerow.blogspot.com. This pattern is for private use only. The pattern, images or products made from the pattern may not be used or sold for commercial purposes without the written consent of the designer. If you have any questions or find any errors on this pattern, please contact me at annlim@inet.net.au.

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