Cheryl's Cowl Pattern: A Knitting Guide with Spiral Lace and Picot Edge by Sulah Miligan

Cheryl's Cowl Patten by Sulah Miligan

Pattern illustration

Cheryl shared some Three Irish Girls sample skeins with me, so I had to make her this cowl. It can be worn scrunched down as a neck warmer, or pulled up to cover the head. Yarn: Approximately 100 grams of fingering yarn. This was made with Three Irish Girls McClellan Fingering in the following colors: Roisin, Irish Sea, Madigan, and Skye Needles: 3.25mm/US3 and 3.5mm/US4 24" circulars Gauge: not critical for this project, but my gauge was $24\;\mathrm{{st}}=28\;\mathrm{{rows}}=4^{\ast}$ in spiral lace pattern Picot Edge: The edge provides a nice finished edge that frames the face. By using a provisional cast on,it is also very elastic. : With smaller needles, cast on 128 stitches using a provisional cast on (see notes below) · Join in round, being careful not to twist stitches and place beginning of round marker ·Knit 7 rounds : Round 8: change to larger needles and [yarn over, knit 2 together] across allstitches · Knit 7 rounds :With smaller needles, pick up the provisional cast on stitches. Fold at Round 8 and knit stitches together (fist stitch from both larger and smaller needles get knit together, etc) Cowl Body: The body is knit in a tube with increases at the end. The increases allows the bottom of the cowl to flare out and lay nicely against your chest and shoulders. · Using Spiral Lace chart below, knit the body of the cowl. Each lace repeat is 8 stitches wide, so you should have 16 lace repeats (times 8 stitches $=128$ stitches) · Continue knitting unti piece measures approximately 12 inches, end on an odd numbered row.

Increase Stitches

Increase 1 stitch in 1st lace repeat, then in every 4th repeat 4 stiches increased $=132$ stitches) ·Knit next row and all fllowing odd rows according to lace pattern, but make sure to knit those increased stitches · Increase 1 stitch in 2nd lace repeat, then in every 4th repeat (4 stitches increased $=136$ stitches). ·Next Even Row: Increase 1 stitch in 3rd lace repeat, then in every 4th repeat (4 stitches increased $=140$ stitches) ·Next Even Row: Increase 1 stitch in $4^{\mathrm{th}}$ lace repeat, then in every 4th repeat (4 stitches increased $=144$ stitches) ·Repeat Increase Stitches, eachlace repeat wil be 10 stches (times 16 repeats $=160$ stches) Lace Edging: the edging wil be knit perpendicular to the body. Knit the last stitch of each wrong side row together with one live stitch of the body. Then the first and last rows are grafted together. · Leave the body stitches on the needles. · Cast on 8 stitches using a provisional cast on · Knit 1 row

Pattern illustration

· Knit rows 2-13 of the Shark's Tooth Lace Edging chart for the pattern and repeat around the body of the coWl · Decrease 4 body stitches evenly around the base of the cowl. On an ODD row, slip last lace edge stitch, slip TWO body stitches, knit 3 stitches together · When allive body stitches have been worked and lace edge pattern is complete, pick up provisional cast on stitches and graft the two edges together (see Notes below on grafting)

13 inches


· Weave in any ends · Block to measurements

Pattern illustration


Provisional Cast On There are numerous ways to do a provisional cast on. Eunny Jang provided a very comprehensive and wellillustrated tutorial. My favorite method is what she calls “Invisible Crochet Cast On i": Ihave this Knitty article book marked because I can never remember if it's “knit, pur, purl, knit' or some other combination:

Pattern illustration

R1: k6, [k2tog, yo, k6], repeat to end of row R2 and all even rows: knit all stitches R3: k5, [k2tog, yo, k6], repeat to end of row R5: k4, [k2tog, yo, k6], repeat to end of row R7: k3, [k2tog, yo, k6], repeat to end of row R9: k2, [k2tog, yo, k6], repeat to end of row R11: k1, [k2tog, yo, k6], repeat to end of row R13: [k2tog, yo, k6], repeat to end of row R15: yo, k6, [k2tog, yo, k6], repeat to end of row Repeat rows 1-16 for pattern Cast on 8 sts using provisional cast on R1: k8 R2: SI1, k2, yo, k2tog, yo, SSK, k1 R3:Sl1, p, [k1,p1] in yo, k2, yo, k2tog, sl, sl body st, k2tog

Pattern illustration

R4: Sl1,k2, yo, k2tog, k1, yo, SSK, k1 R5:S1, p, [k1,p1] in yo, p1,k2, yo, k2tog, sl, slbody st, k2tog R6: Sl1, k2, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, SSK, k1 R7:Sl1,p, [k,p in yo, p2,k2, yo, k2tog, sl, sbody st, k2tog R8: Sl1, k2, yo, k2tog, k3, yo, SSK, k1

Chart Symbol Key

R9:S1,p1,[k1,p1] in yo, p3, k2, yo, k2tog, sl, slbody st, k2tog R10: Sl1, k2, yo, k2tog, k1, yo, k2tog, k1, yo, SSK, k1 R11:S1, p1,[1,p in yo, p4, k2, yo, k2tog, sl, lbody st, k2tog

Pattern illustration

R12: Sl1, k2, yo, k2tog, k8 R13: Bind off5 sts, p2, k2, yo, k2tog, sl, sl body st, k2tog Repeat rows 2-13 for pattern

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