Tiny Cables Baby Sweater Pattern by Eyabu for Newborn to 12 Months with Customizable Sizes

Tiny Cables Baby Sweater

Pattern by Eyabu Yarn: Tahki Cotton Classic by Stacy Charles, 2 skeins (1.76 oz/108 yd each) for newborn (3 for long sleeve); 6-12 months 3-4 skeins Needles: US 5 circulars, or size needed for gauge Gauge: 5 st/inch Size: Newborn to 3 months , 6-12 months Materials/Notions: Cable needle, markers, one medium size decorative button, DPN's of same size if not using Magic Loop in the sleeves

Stitch Glossary:

Twisted mock rib in the round: Row 1: $^{*}\mathrm{K}2$ tog leaving sts on needle, k first st, sl both st from needle, $\mathtt{p}2^{*}$ Repeat from \*to\* until end of the round Row 2: $^{*}\mathrm{k}2\,\mathrm{p}2^{*}$ to end of round

Short and Long cables: See chart

Eyelet Cable: see chart 2/2 cable (worked over 4 st): Row 1 (RS) S2 to CN, hold in front, K2, k2 from CN Row 2 (WS) p4 Repeat rws 1 and 2


CO 60 stitches. 1-2 Rows : k all (garter stitch) Row 3: K to last 4 st.,yo, k2tog,k2 (for buttonhole) Row 4-5: K all Row 6: marker row (WS): k18 (front left), pm, k3, pm, k5 (It sleeve), pm, k3, pm, k10 (back),pm, k3, pm, k5 (rt sleeve), pm, k3, pm, k10 (rt front) ${\bf\xi}={\bf\delta}6{\bf\theta}$ st


row 7 (RS): increase round : k4, p6, inc1 (by backward loop or by m1 twisting yarn to avoid a gap), sm work next 3 st and all4 groups of 3 stitches between markers per chart B, eyelet cable (in this case k3 ), sm inc1 (loop or m1), p to next marker, inc1, sm eyelet cable, sm incl, p to next marker, inc1, sm eyelet cable, sm inc1, p to next marker, inc1, sm eyelet cable, sm inc1, p8, work next 10 st per chart A, short and long cable (k3p2k3p2 in this line) $\mathbf{\mu=68}$ st row 8: Work st as they present (knit the knits, purl the purls), working the grouping of three stitches between markers per eyelet cable chart; To last 4 st; k4 Repeat rows 7-8 x13 (17) more times, for a total of 14 (18) increase rows $=$ 172 sts (204sts) Do 2 straight rows without increasing (6-12 size only) Divide for sleeves and body: Next Row (RS): k4, p20 (24), remove markers as you go, ${\mathfrak{p}}1=25$ (29) st for right front Place next 36 (44) st on hold for right sleeve (2 eyelet st, 33(41) p, 1 eyelet) CO 4 (6)st for armhole (cable cast on or backward loop cast) p41(49) (2 eyelet+38/46 purled st $^ Ḋ \textit{+1} Ḍ$ eyelet) Place next 36 (44) st on hold for left sleeve $(2\;e\mathrm{yelet}{+}33(41)\;\mathrm{p}{+}1$ eyelet) co 4(6) st for armhole P24(28), work last 10 st with chart A, for left front $\mathbf{\tau=}\mathbf{108}$ st for body, $\mathbf{36}\mathbf{x2}$ on hold (128 sts for the body, $\bf{44}\mathrm{{x2}}$ on hold)


Next (WS): Work first 10 st per chart A, $\mathrm{k}2$ , $[\mathrm{k}4\mathrm{p}4]\mathrm{x}11$ (x14), k8 (k4) Next (RS):inc row $\mathsf{k4,}\mathrm{[m1,p4,m}$ 1, work next 4 st on 2/2cable],to last 10 st, finishing with p6; Work last 10 st per chart A. $\mathbf{\delta}=\pmb{130}$ st For $\mathbf{6.12\mo}$ , work this row as follows: k4, [2/2 cable, m1p4m1] $\pmb{x14}$ finishing with p4 without ml; Last 10 sts per chart $A=157$ sts Next and all WS: K10 per chart A, $[\mathtt{k6},\mathtt{p4}]\mathtt{x11}$ , k10 (for 6-12 mo: K10 per chart A, k1, [k6p4]x14, k6 Next and all RS: k4,[p6, 2/2cable]x11, k6, work last 10 per chart A (for 6-12 mo: k4, [2/2 cable,p6] x14, p1, chart A Repeat last 2 rows until body measures 4.5 (3.5) inches, ending with a RS row

scalloped edge:

Next rw (WS): work 10 st per chart A, k1\*[k1,inc1 by knitting in st below]x6, $\mathsf{p}4^{*}$ repeat from \* to \* until the last 4/8 st, K4 (p4k4) Next rw (RS) k6 (k4), continue working the cables in 2/2 cable pattern, the stitches between cables in purl, and the last 10 st in chart A. Next rw (WS), work 10 st per chart A, knit other st as they present (knit the knits, purl the purls, work 4 st in garter for the edge) Next: Cast off This will double the number of stitches between the cable ribs, causing the scalloped, fluted edge - this step can be omited if knitting a sweater for a boy, and simply end in a straight fashion by b/o the stitches in pattern or doing 4-6 rows of twisted rib and b/oonWS


Pick up previous 36 (44) st in waiting, pick up additional 8 st in the underarm (1 st each on the sides to avoid gaps, and the rest in the cast on sts) $\mathbf{\mu=}\pmb{44}$ (52) st.Place marker. Join in the round. Rows $1\mathrm{-}\,\mathtt{k}$ all Rows 2-5(2-9): Twisted mock rib 2/2 - (long sleeved version - continue working on twisted mock rib $\pmb{x}\pmb{4}\pmb{i n}/\pmb{4}$ in, or as desired to fit baby, then finish the cuff as below) Row 6: [k2, $\mathrm{p}2\mathrm{tog}]=33/39$ st Row 7: [k2, p1] Row 8: bind off Work the other sleeve in the same fashion Finish: Weave loose ends, block. Sew button after seeing where it lies (the front left overlaps the right ). Finished dimensions (after blocking): 8.5 in lenght $\mathrm{}\times8.5$ in wd; sleeve 3 in wd from armhole, neck opening 2.5 in wide 6-12 months is done for chest of 21 in $\mathrm{~x~}10.5$ in lenght, sleeve 4 in from armhole. Sew button slightly lower for larger neck opening

Pattern illustration

Created in Knirvisualizer (www knitfoundry .com)

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Notes: Row 3 has a wrap without corresponding increase and therefore has 4 stitches at the end; in Row 4, one yarn over is done without corresponding increase, and the number of stitches is 5 again at the end.

Pattern illustration

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